Tom blogged about a starfish cactus today. I've never seen it before, but it's pretty cool looking. I'm not a fan of cacti (except for Christmas cactus) and succulent gardening, but it's becoming more and more popular as people are on water restrictions.
Here's a picture of the succulent garden at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens. It's bigger than what most people would do, and not my taste, but still cool.
I'm the communications coordinator for the UF/IFAS Center for Landscape Conservation and Ecology. A self proclaimed "brown thumb," I've come to believe my brown thumb just needs a little fertilizer. I garden in the early evening - usually followed by the kids (Will, 6, and Kaity, 4)and dogs (Max and Tebow). I do most of the dreaming in the garden and then talk my husband, John, into doing the heavy labor. My gardening zone is 8b and/or 9a depending on the season.
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